A scuba diver had a rare close-up encounter with a great white shark and Instagram users were ... but very few people have actually seen one underwater in the Pacific Northwest, so you kind ...
A 13-foot great white shark made a return appearance to the Florida waters Wednesday. The over 1,400-pound male shark, named Breton, has been tracked by researchers since 2020 and last resurfaced ...
Over a year after a 15-foot great white shark was found dead with mysterious bite wounds and stripped of its internal organs, DNA analysis uncovered its killers. Two animals, orcas, also known as ...
He’s not fin-ished. Breton, the nearly 1,500-pound great white shark that went viral for etching a “self-portrait” in the Atlantic Ocean, has again been spotted off Florida shores.
Breton, a massive 13-foot, 1,400-pound great white shark surfaced off Florida's east coast three times in one day and for the fifth time since Sunday. The OCEARCH-tagged shark pinged off Daytona ...
Divers in Mexico have been issued with an urgent warning after a man was decapitated by a 19ft great white shark. Manuel López was scuba diving when he was killed in the horrifying attack which ...
Breton, a behemoth 1,400-pound great white shark tagged by OCEARCH, has pinged off Florida for the second time in less than a week. The 13-foot, 3-inch shark was tracked far off Palm Coast at 10: ...
A small number of receivers have already been deployed along the coastline of Adelaide, SA's capital, for research purposes but shark expert Charlie Huveneers from Flinders University said that they ...
Faced with a rash of shark deaths marked by brain swelling, Canadian and American scientists are trying to solve a marine mystery. By Kyle Shaw The first great white shark was found dead in August ...
One segment of travel that overlaps both of those trends (and has become both increasingly popular and controversial) is white shark tourism. Great white sharks are among the largest and most ...