厌倦了层出不穷的礼物攻略和堆积如山的超市小票,美国人开始捂紧钱包。 过去几年,在Instagram和TikTok等曾经充斥着消费主义狂欢的社交平台上,“不购物挑战”正成为新风潮。这种精打细算的生活方式,源于人们厌倦了通货膨胀、整理焦虑和对特朗普加征关税导致生活必需品进一步涨价的恐慌。
Time off from digital devices. Find out how a school in England challenges students to stay away from their gadgets ...
Japanese workers are feeling less optimistic about the economy, with their sentiment declining in January for the first time ...
Taipei, where I now am, has many different types of restaurants. The shopping mall below my serviced apartment has a basement ...
Scientists researching Alpine glaciers store ice in Antarctica. By analysing air bubbles in the ice they may be able to predict the future ...
Hyaluronic Acid Hydration Therapy: Indulge in the revolutionary non-invasive hydration therapy that nourishes your skin from ...
朱倍庆(淡滨尼集选区议员)询问副总理兼贸工部长,柔新地铁(RTS)对新加坡的零售、服务、制造业、商业租赁市场的影响评估如何?对就业市场会产生怎样的影响? 陈圣辉(贸工部政务部长代表贸工部长): 议长先生,建议议员参考颜金勇副总理昨天(1月7日)就林谋泉议员的国会问题(第72号问题)提供的书面答复,其中也涉及了朱倍庆议员提出的问题。我愿意解答议员们就此话题的补充问题。 议长:有请苏慧敏议员 苏慧敏 ...