Every year as Valentine’s Day approaches, people remind themselves that not all expressions of love fit the stereotypes of ...
Readers respond to the question of how prayer or intention has helped them make it through periods of great physical pain.
I receive questions about God and the Bible, and one of the more frequent is whether God really listens and answers prayer.
"For Pete's Sake" coffee shop in Evanston serves more than just coffee. For owner Pete Bass, it's a mission. That mission is ...
If you have ever struggled to wrap your mind around the biblical doctrine of election predestination , you are not alone ...
Death is a door of entry into God’s heaven. Jesus said "I am the way, and the truth and the life." He also said, "I am the good shepherd. I am the light of the world and I am the door. So when we die, ...
Do you remember how your heart ached when you were dating your husband or wife, and you had to go a whole day without talking ...
At River Church Hutchinson we are always looking for opportunities to tell people about the love that God has for them! The greatest thing to know, at the very depth of one’s being, is that ...
We have just come through a holiday season. Let’s not forget the true meaning of Christ’s Nativity. It is not about Santa, or candy canes, reindeer, or Christmas lights, or even for ...
Chandler Richards, 13, was preparing to cross the road to make it to soccer practice. Then, a car hit the curb, hitting ...
It was a shocking promise — one that would fulfill the wildest dreams of the Israeli far right and offer an unexpected answer ...
This time of year, I feel all sorts of behind — like on my to-do list for today and on all my New Year's resolutions. (Why do I act like they all have to be accomplished in January? There’s still a ...