More than 70+ Lubavitch communities and Chabad Houses around the world are about to embark on Halacha classes for participants of all backgrounds using two unique tracks.
Many students of the Talmud never get that initial spark because the language barrier prevents them from ever experiencing the joy of exploring the text’s depth. I hope that this new English edition ...
The father may indeed be a poor father, and his neglectful behavior may lead the child to reject him, but those reactions should stem solely from the dynamic between father and child, without anyone e ...
Esther Soille decided to go up the ladder through the back window to the apartment, for she believed that if the Nazis found ...
Gemara Shiur held a Siyum on Seder Moed in Shas in Crown Heights. The guest speaker was Rabbi Efraim Mintz, Director of the ...
In case of abuse, Report this post. Recently, I had the privilege of speaking at a Chagigat Gemara for fifth-grade girls. The principal opened the ceremony by describing the school’s deliberate ...
The late Antonin Scalia, one of the most outspoken Justices on the United States Supreme Court, was a devout Catholic who also had a strong appreciation for the Talmud. One passage held a ...
Rabbi Ashi is a central figure in the compilation of the Gemara, being the first editor of the Babylonian Talmud.