农历三月三,又称“上巳节”, 是中华民族的传统节日。 每到这个时候, 整个广西都热闹不已, 各族群众盛装“出战”。 歌圩之上山歌悠扬,彩球飞舞, 掀起“最炫民族风”。
Fifteen government officials and technical experts from Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar gathered in Nanning, Guangxi, China, on Feb 20 for the opening ceremony of the Field Visit of Lancang-Mekong ...
在邓州市城区第十一小学,2025年春季开学典礼如同旖旎春光般绚丽多彩,激励了全体师生奋斗拼搏的激情。新年伊始,迎来了一个新的校园篇章, students and teachers gathered to celebrate this momentous occasion on February 18, 2025. The atmosphere was filled with festive joy ...
HONG KONG, Feb. 16 (Xinhua) -- A crowd had gathered outside Ocean Park Hong Kong three hours before opening on Sunday to see the Hong Kong-born giant panda twins in the fluffy flesh, as they turned ...
"We are very delighted to be here, to see such a vibrant and prosperous and important city and region." Diplomats from six countries recently gathered in the eastern Chinese city of Quanzhou to mark ...
张信的这部开创性著作考察了地方社会与全球变革之间激烈的博弈如何塑造了现代中国 。在十九世纪和二十世纪早期,具有世界历史意义的政治、经济和技术发展改变了像镇江这样的地方的日常生活面貌。镇江是长江下游富庶地区的一座中等城市。 借助罕见的第一手资料,包括手写日记等个人文献,张信为我们呈现了这座城市经历全球化的基层视角。