Our three stages will be packed with adventure, masterclasses and all the specialist advice you need to help you progress - whatever your level and however you like to get afloat. Hear all the latest ...
On a downwind leg to the gybe mark, dagger boards up, from left: Rudy Ratsep, Derrick Galen, Peter Beardsley and Ian Welch. MICHAEL MELLA After rounding the weather mark, the front four ...
A brisk 10-15 knot north-easterly, paired with plenty of blue sky and sunshine, set the stage for Race 2 of the Spring Series ...
The weekend of 1-2 March saw the last of three training weekends for RS400s and 200s, part-funded by an RS Class Association ...
We approach the gybe point and the graveyard starts to stack up. Boat after boat have capsized trying their gybe until there is only one boat left, and they stick it in during their gybe.