3月16日|丹麦退休基金AkademikerPension将特斯拉 (Tesla)列入“黑名单”,关注其在争取工人权利方面、企业管治问题,加上对创办人兼行政总裁马斯克 (Elon Musk)涉足美国和欧洲政治,以及发放播错误讯息,对回报带来相当大风险 ...
3月16日|百度3月16日正式发布文心大模型4.5和文心大模型X1。目前,两款模型已在文心一言官网上线,免费向用户开放。同时,文心大模型4.5已上线百度智能云千帆大模型平台,企业用户和开发者登录即可调用API;文心大模型X1也即将在千帆上线。百度搜索 ...
阿根廷公共电视台记者巴勃罗·科帕里日前在《阿根廷时间报》发表文章说,植根于传统文化的故事可以超越国界,中国动画电影《哪吒之魔童闹海》(以下简称《哪吒2》)引发世界各地观众共鸣。文章摘要如下:《哪吒2》于中国农历大年初一上映后,频频打破票房纪录。这是一 ...
近日,南汇公交在惠南镇推出公交网约线——浦东123路,串联起上海思博职业技术学院与轨道交通16号线惠南东地铁站,为校园师生打造“校门-地铁站”点对点高效直达服务,首日共计运送乘客207人。传统公交的发车班次与时间已难以满足乘客多样化出行需求。此次,浦 ...
打开飞机一看里面坐了十几万人 ...
Many home owners are tempted to sell agent free and save thousands of dollars in fees, but is it really that simple?
New alleged details emerge about the return of the Hemi to the regular Ram 1500 series of trucks. New alleged details emerge ...
The TRX nameplate could reappear next year as a new V-8-powered performance truck, with output possibly rising above 702 hp.
Dodge has never been afraid to take risks, but not every gamble has paid off. Some models were ahead of their time, others ...
GREENWOOD-Greenwood Leflore Hospital is making another push for federal support, this time through the Rural Community ...
While legendary designer Carroll Shelby is most closely linked with his work for Ford (especially the Mustang), Shelby did do some work for others as well.