在诸多区域经济研究者眼中,苏州是一座特殊存在的城市,因为它普通但又不普通。今年初公布的数据显示,2024年全国前十强城市中,苏州以2.67万亿元的GDP,排在上海、北京、深圳、重庆和广州之后,排名第六。其后是成都、杭州、武汉、南京。观察全国GDP前十 ...
英国首相施纪贤周二宣布大幅增加国防开支预算,指计划在2027年前将其提升至相等于国内生产总值(GDP)的2.5%,并目标在 ...
施纪贤又指,将通过削减援外预算来为增加的国防支出提供资金,到2027年援助预算将从GDP的0.5%降至0.3%,大减2个百分点。特朗普再次上台后,欧洲对美国继续支持欧洲安全的疑虑加剧。英国军方强调,这是英国寻求自卫,以及在俄乌一旦停火可能派遣维和部队 ...
Commissions do not affect our editors' opinions or evaluations. The best 3%+ cash-back credit cards offer a minimum 3% return on purchases within everyday categories such as dining, groceries ...
中国海关总署星期五(3月7日)公布数据显示,以美元计价,中国1月至2月出口同比增长2.3%,低于去年12月的10.7%,同时进口 ...
But the key is picking cards with reward categories that align with your spending habits. Luckily, plenty of cards offer up to 3% cash back — or more — on common categories for many households. Take ...
Estimated Discount To Fair Value: 49.3% Atour Lifestyle Holdings, trading at US$30.59, is significantly undervalued with an estimated fair value of US$60.31 based on discounted cash flows.
Despite a dip in net income to US$285.98 million for 2024, its dividends remain well-covered with a payout ratio of 34.3%, projected to decrease to 28.9% in three years, suggesting sustainability.