The company aims to soon launch two tests to aid the treatment of dermatomycosis and is developing other tests for healthcare ...
Fungal biology is the scientific discipline that concerns the biology of fungi, which include unicellular microorganisms as well as large multicellular organisms. Fungal biology is sometimes ...
It may be the result of the skin being irritated by tight clothes or bicycle riding. It may also be due to an allergic reaction, chemical irritant, or a viral, fungal, or bacterial skin infection. You ...
Add articles to your saved list and come back to them any time. Thailand is bracing for an influx of tourists as the new season of The White Lotus launches with the hit show’s setting moving to ...
丨点击上方名片可以预约或看诊医生“别挠了!快让我看看你的手!”春节去朋友家拜年,刚进门就注意到朋友总是不自觉地抓挠手臂。她一边热情地招呼我们,拿饮料、递水果,但是只要左手一闲下来,就忍不住去抓右手小臂。我的目光不经意扫过客厅角落,朋友家那只圆滚滚的英 ...
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