Brian Aynardi is the regional director of the PBI-Gordon Field Development Team. Aynardi joined PBI-Gordon in 2016 as manager ...
Garlic is helpful in curing colds and reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Garlic contains vitamins C and B6, manganese and selenium, a type of antioxidant, which is believed to be ...
Beck’s agronomists shared best practices for growing a strong, healthy wheat crop using Practical Farm Research data during ...
A service that provides unbiased, research-based crop disease and pest management information to farmers and agricultural ...
Cancer drugs and agrichemicals can be powerful, but toxic, tools. Now, UNSW scientists are applying nanomedicine insights in ...
The Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resource Development Board (RAB) is conducting trials on new potato varieties that require no fungicide spraying, officials said. According to Athanase Nduwumuremyi, ...
These upgrade kits can lower your chemical spend and increase sustainability and soil health for years to come.
From petal blight to powdery mildew, learn more about how researchers are looking into new ways to manage disease problems in ...
A triazole fungicide, ipconazole, impacts sperm in a study of two male mammal species, indicating negative effects on reproductive health.
As California’s almond orchards transition .....advised to shift their focus to managing leaf diseases, particularly Alternaria. According to ...
In Fielding Questions, readers also asked about specific apple tree sprays and commiserated about fake hosta seeds.
Twenty years ago, BASF turned the concept of “seeing is believing” on its head when it launched Headline, a product Scott Kay describes as the first plant health fungicide for row crops.