Whoever came up with these QR code organization stickers needs a raise because *whew* will these get you organized. View ...
The Schulenburg Young Farmers held their monthly meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 28 at the Career &Technical Education building at Schulenburg ISD.Chairs for the meeting were FFA officers, who gave a ...
Amsterdam Mayor Michael Cinquanti has condemned Sticker Mule CEO Anthony Constantino’s abrasive response to the variance denial of a pro-Donald Trump sign. The businessman last week bashed two ...
AMSTERDAM, NY (WRGB) — The CEO of Sticker Mule hit a roadblock with a plan to build an "America Loves Trump" sign in Amsterdam. Thursday night, the Amsterdam zoning board held a meeting that ...
President Bonnie Baker welcomed 17 members and a guest to the Schulenburg Garden Club meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 7.The meeting was hosted by Gail Hammontree, Jerry Leonard and Wanda Brown. Members ...
However, it is a team sport, and another way a player can collect stickers is by winning games. A non-conference game is worth one sticker, conference play is worth two and the rivalry game ...
Prepare to be flexible on date, time and location. If your first choices aren’t available, having two or three options on hand will make the availability search easier.