2月14日,北京市政府外办率先召开政策吹风会,宣布将为符合条件的来京外籍商务人士提供专项签证便利。这一政策的适用对象主要为在京注册企业邀请的、频繁来京开展商业贸易且发挥重要作用的外籍商务人士及其家属。企业提交申请后,北京市政府外办将为符合标准者签发5 ...
瑞士央行的最终盈利略高于年初预期。具体来看,该行在外汇头寸 (foreign currency position)收益673亿瑞郎,黄金持仓亦带来212亿瑞郎的利润,但瑞郎头寸 (Swiss franc position)亏损74亿瑞郎。同时,运营成本达4亿瑞郎。
BEIJING, March 4 (Xinhua) -- The central parity rate of the Chinese currency renminbi, or the yuan, strengthened 6 pips to 7.1739 against the U.S. dollar Tuesday, according to the China Foreign ...
BEIJING, March 3 (Xinhua) -- China hopes that the relevant parties can find a sustainable and lasting solution to the Ukraine crisis that takes into account each other's concerns, a foreign ministry ...
经中国证监会同意,自2025年3月4日交易(即3月3日晚夜盘)起,上海国际能源交易中心(以下简称上期能源)将扩大合格境外机构投资者和人民币合格境外机构投资者(以下统称合格境外投资者)可交易品种范围,新增开放以下商品期货、期权合约: ...
China stands ready to conduct more international cooperation and exchange with other countries and regions that are committed ...
Shares of China's largest bubble tea and drinks chain Mixue Group jumped over 40 percent by midday on their first day of ...
The Chinese foreign exchange market recorded transactions worth 22.34 trillion yuan (US$3.11 trillion) in January, according ...
Chinese private enterprises continued to lead the country's foreign trade with transactions totaling 24.33 trillion yuan ( US$3.4 trillion ) last year, posting an 8.8 percent year-on-year increase and ...
Chinese private enterprises continued to lead the country's foreign trade with transactions totaling 24.33 trillion yuan ...