When life falls apart, it can feel terrifying—but it also creates space for growth, new possibilities, and deeper ...
Many are familiar with the racing heart and sweaty palms that can come with public speaking. This anxiety and the emergence ...
Researchers found an AI bot is pretty good at helping people rethink false beliefs.
生活中,总会有那么一刻,我们看着周围的人走得飞快,而自己却总是跟不上节奏。 特别是当你发现,身边的朋友、同学似乎都比你早早地有了目标,早早地知道该做什么。 而你却仍然在为人生的方向而焦虑时,“落后感”就悄然升起。
In other words, Trump’s America adopts, wholesale, Putin’s explanation for his actions, right down to his mocking accusations ...
With the appointment of the new head of state and the Government that followed last year, Sri Lanka has unleashed a new ...
After the world changing destruction of the Second World War and the array of pulp fiction sci-fi films and magazines that flourished in the 1950s with one paranoid eye on unknown Cold War futures, ...
Adapted by Lewis den Hertog from When Prophecy Fails: A Social and Psychological Study of a Modern Group that Predicted the ...
Cognitive Dissonance The "Fork in the road" email was designed to create cognitive dissonance and subsequent anxiety (Festinger, 1957). The more dissonance a person experiences, the stronger the ...
The field of implementation science was developed to better understand the factors that facilitate or impede implementation and generate evidence for implementation strategies. In this article, we ...
Note that social comparison can be in different directions (Festinger, 1954): an upward comparison in which individuals compare themselves with peers in a better standing; a downward comparison in ...