The convicts are 65-year old Mojibur Rahman, a resident of the Upazila’s Bhatia Mirpara village, his sons Shamim Mia, 40, Md ...
Experts believe a higher dividend would provide financial security for workers and strengthen confidence in the country's ...
The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has charge sheeted another accused in the Tamil Nadu Hizb ut Tahrir (HuT) conspiracy ...
The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has charge sheeted another accused in the Tamil Nadu Hizb ut Tahrir (HuT) conspiracy ...
The Board of Governors, the highest decision-making body of the IMF, consists of one governor and one alternate governor for each member country. The governor is appointed by the member country and is ...
The performers were made up of government and private primary, secondary, colleges and higher learning institutions’ students, as well as government staff and officers.
(亚庇26日讯)沙巴特殊游泳协会会长黄嘉驹,当选马来西亚特殊游泳协会署理总会长之职,写下特殊奥运会选手晋身马来西亚特殊游泳协会的历史新页.马来西亚特殊游泳协会原任总会长拿督斯里梅格萨里曼,则在无竞选的情况之下,顺利蝉联总会长之职.拿督斯里梅格表示荣幸的蝉联总会长之职,继续推动我国的特殊游泳运动,但最 ...
The only businesses that were open were the counters for boat operators, such as the one run by Mohd Faizul Ku Mansor, 39. “During the week, we are grateful to get even one trip. In the past ...