Duke’s newly developed OCT scanner is attached to a robotic arm that can move the scanner to perfectly align with a patient’s eyes. The scanner requires less than 10 seconds to scan and image ...
Offices throughout the capital may soon have a spy that can tell whether employees have drunk alcohol, taken drugs - or even had a late night. An optical detection kit, costing £10,000 and ...
The benchtop scanner is designed for laboratory use for examining excised tissue or complete organs. The device performs swept-source frequency-domain optical-coherence tomography, using a high ...
This week the University of Liverpool launched the Eye Cancer Artificial Intelligence Digital Bioresource (EYE-CAN-AID), an ...
You program it in the same security setting as the fingerprint scanner, and it only takes one scan for the Note 7 to record your iris. There's an infrared sensor on the front that scans your eye.
The iris scanners are more accurate than fingerprints, facial recognition or palm scanners, according to the Flagler County ...