Donald Trump to order English as official US language – here’s what that could mean - Activists and advocacy groups are ...
What Trump's order making English the official language in the US could mean - President Donald Trump is expected to sign an ...
The Trump administrations efforts to broker a peace negotiation ending the war in Ukraine came to an abrupt halt on Friday.
白宫称,唐纳德·特朗普总统预计将于星期五 (2月28日)签署一项行政命令,指定英语为美国官方语言。 根据即将出台的行政命令的一份情况说明,该行政命令将允许接受联邦资助的政府机构和组织选择是否继续提供非英语语言的文件和服务。
A new generation of Chinese entrepreneurs, represented by a group of start-up founders known as the "Fantastic Four", are ...