Bush's decision in August 2001 to permit federal financing for research on human embryonic stem (ES) cells using established ES cell lines. Stem-cell research has enormous potential value in both ...
The company is expected to become the largest producer of high-quality crystalline silicon PV solar cells in the US.
We used the ES-cell clone rtTA2ΔSD-18, which carried the targeted insert, as the donor for nuclear transplantation and produced a healthy, fertile cloned mouse carrying the insert (Fig.
How are induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells different from embryonic stem (ES) cells? What can we use iPS cells for? ES cells were originally derived from the inner cell mass (ICM) or epiblast of ...
ES Foundry announced a multi-year agreement to supply 300 MW of U.S.-made solar cells to Bila Solar, an Indianapolis-based ...
ES Foundry marked a significant milestone in the U.S. solar manufacturing industry on Jan. 31 with the grand opening of its ...
Medical experts injected 190 million ES cell-derived liver cells into the baby’s abdomen over two days. The baby was discharged from the hospital after the transplant.
Alex Zhu, CEO of US-based solar cell manufacturer ES Foundry, believes TOPCon production is unviable in the US. Image: ES Foundry. The United States’ second solar cell manufacturing plant opened ...
When added to chemotherapy, researchers found no significant difference in overall or progression-free survival between PD-1 ...