【本文由小黑盒作者@Aliciacl于03月03日发布,未经许可不得转载!】 相信很多小伙伴对《恐鬼症》中的EMF测试仪很好奇,这玩意究竟是什么东西,为什么可以测出灵异事件等级,那么本期我就来为大家讲讲这个EMF仪器的来头。 一.EMF究竟为何物 EMF其实是electronic magnetic field(电磁场)的一个缩写。 百度百科的解释 ...
He suspected EMF interference so as a quick first step he decided to throw together an EMF detector using an Arduino. It uses a bank of LEDs as an indicator bar to reflect the EMF picked up by the ...
Paranormal investigators use them based on the theory that spirits may be able to manipulate EMF fields—when your meter’s lights go haywire, you can interpret that as a ghost. REM Pods Like ...