随着全球移动游戏市场的蓬勃发展,2024年成为了转型和创新的关键一年。从全球范围来看,下半年的全球市场一扫上半年的颓势,2024年移动游戏市场整体下载量和收入均呈现出积极的增长趋势。2024年全球游戏应用的广告收入同比增长,尤其是在中国、印度和东南亚 ...
2024年的ECPM权重调整,实质是平台对广告主的一次“压力测试”——只有那些愿意深耕内容价值、建立用户心智、维护生态健康的广告主,才能获得算法的长期青睐。当流量分配机制越来越接近真实市场的价值交换规律时,任何技巧性操作的空间都将被压缩。或许这正是数 ...
Iran's number of executions reached a record high in 2024. According to the recently published annual report on the death penalty in Iran by the Iran Human Rights Organization (IHR) and the French NGO ...
According to the recently published annual report on the death penalty in Iran by the Iran Human Rights Organization (IHR) and the French NGO Ensemble Contre la Peine de Mort (ECPM), at least 975 ...
Norway-based Iran Human Rights (IHR) and French group Together Against the Death Penalty (ECPM) said the figure was the highest since IHR began recording executions in Iran in 2008. The figure ...
Norway-based Iran Human Rights (IHR) and French group Together Against the Death Penalty (ECPM) said that the figure was the highest since IHR began recording executions in Iran in 2008. The figure ...
Norway-based Iran Human Rights (IHR) and French group Together Against the Death Penalty (ECPM) said the figure was the highest since IHR began recording executions in Iran in 2008. The figure ...
Norway-based Iran Human Rights (IHR) and French group Together Against the Death Penalty (ECPM) said the figure was the highest since IHR began recording executions in Iran in 2008. The figure ...
A joint report released on Thursday by Norway-based Iran Human Rights (IHR) and French group Together Against the Death Penalty (ECPM) claims that Iran executed at least 975 people in 2024—a ...
APP应用内的新增用户一般对广告容忍度较高,互动率、转化率高,广告价值大,一般情况下,新用户占比高的APP,eCPM也会比较高。 对接三方AdSet聚合 ...