Through your assessments, if you believe it’s still safe for your dad to drive, you should start recommending some simple adjustments to ensure his safety, like driving only in daylight and on ...
Dear Savvy Senior: When should someone with dementia stop driving ... If you need some assessment help, hire a driver rehabilitation specialist who’s trained to evaluate older drivers.
When should someone with dementia stop driving? My 83-year-old father has some dementia issues but still drives himself around town pretty well. Concerned Daughter Dear Concerned, Most doctors ...
When should someone with dementia stop driving? My 83-year-old father has some dementia issues but still drives himself around town pretty well. Most doctors agree that people with moderate to ...
Most doctors agree that people with moderate to severe dementia should never get ... If you need some assessment help, hire a driver rehabilitation specialist who’s trained to evaluate older ...
A local authority (also known as local council) has a duty to assess the care needs of a person with dementia. This page looks at how someone with dementia can get a care assessment including the ...
Some people with dementia and their carers will be entitled (often called 'eligible') to have their needs for care and support met by the local authority, free of charge or at a reduced cost. They ...
When should someone with dementia stop driving? My 83-year-old father has some dementia issues but still drives himself around town pretty well.