There's something magical about the allure of the deep that creates a spark inside you—one powerful enough to even rekindle a long-lost romance.
Can't decide on your next dive destination? Our Dive Travel Guide is packed with our top recommendations to keep you busy all ...
Current local time in Chuuk (Pacific/Chuuk timezone). Get information about the Pacific/Chuuk time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) current time ...
Cameras have become almost essential dive gear, and in the world of 4K social media streaming, the action camera is king. Here are some of the best action cameras for scuba diving currently available ...
Member of Parliament and writer Shashi Tharoor launched The Hindu’s latest product, Surf and Dive, a print product that gives readers in-depth coverage across a range of issues through long ...
It’s not as well travelled as other parts of Indonesia and while the infrastructure is not as developed as it might be in Bali, Pulau Weh retains a wild, untouched vibe – and you’ll meet far fewer ...
Survivors of a deadly dive-boat sinking in the Red Sea say they were pressured to sign official witness statements in Arabic - which they couldn't understand and had been translated from English ...