Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said he will step down if the country is granted membership into NATO, or if it would ...
A Star Wars fan watches Infamous Revenge of the Sith for the first time! All spoilers and no nostalgia, the writer's reaction will shock you!
Let's break down the explosive series finale of Netflix's "Zero Day," a cautionary tale about autocracy, misinformation and ...
The US President lashed out at Sir Keir Starmer and France 's Emmanuel Macron amid a transatlantic spat over Mr Trump ...
For many chroniclers of American politics and American movies, “Gabriel Over the White House” stood apart, and does still, as ...
US President Donald Trump called Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky “a dictator,” escalating a public war of words ...
While the pace seems more serene in Mike White’s third outing into generational wealth and class privilege, a closer look at ...
Even with a deliberate pace and droll sense of humour that might not land with typical vampire movie fans, El Conde is worth ...
In “Parasite” director Bong Joon Ho’s new movie, “Mickey 17” Mark Ruffalo plays a villainous politician. He talked to CNN on ...