长久以来,西方钻石凭借其永恒性与稀有性,在爱情象征领域占据一席之地。据公开资料,钻石巨头“戴比尔斯”近年来屡次削减毛坯钻石价格,降幅高达40%以上,这场“价格风波”不仅震撼业界,还促使另一巨头“阿尔罗萨”试图通过销售暂停来平稳市场,不过未能奏效。从云 ...
As per the initial student reactions, the paper was moderately difficult. To help the students in assessing their performance ...
A team of researchers from Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, China has developed a power-free device to extract ...
Cell culture is an important and necessary process in drug discovery, cancer research, as well as stem cell study. Most cells are currently cultured using two-dimensional (2D) methods but new and ...
Get a detailed paper analysis, question paper, and answer key. Check expert reviews, difficulty level, and expected answers ...
A material’s response to an applied magnetic field can be characterized as diamagnetic, paramagnetic, ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic. Four-coordinate cobalt(II) complexes possess high energy ...