In 1925, the first issue of The New Yorker was published. In 1934, Nicaraguan guerrilla leader Cesar Augusto Sandino was killed by members of the country's national guard.
Most people I know wish they could have one more conversation with a friend, a family member or a loved one who has passed.
The signing of an international treaty on plastic-related pollution, a decrease in deforestation in the Amazon, the healing of the ozone layer... The year 2023 has been marked by several positive ...
The CCP’s religious and cultural repression on the Tibetan Plateau is also feeding an ecological crisis. The response from ...
China hopes the current Dalai Lama could "return to the right path" and fully remedy his political propositions, the Chinese ...
The Dalai Lama led prayers in India on Feb. 9 mourning the loss of his elder brother, a veteran leader of the exiled Tibetan ...
达赖喇嘛的兄长、在印度的前西藏流亡政府主席嘉乐顿珠(Gyalo Thondup)去世,享年97岁。嘉乐顿珠生前曾多次主导与中国的谈判,并为西藏事业与外国政府合作。 媒体报道说,嘉乐顿珠星期六(2月8日)晚间在印度西孟加拉邦东部喜马拉雅山麓的山城卡林庞的家中去世。媒体尚未立即报道他死因的其他细节。 西藏媒体称赞嘉乐顿珠与外国政府建立联系,并赞扬他在促进美国支持西藏斗争方面发挥的作用。 达赖喇嘛星期天 ...
He moved among world capitals toiling to create conditions for the exiled Dalai Lama to return to Tibet. He also helped the ...
Researchers gave psilocybin to two dozen religious clergy. Was it guided by science, religion, or some awkward combination?
COURTESY PHOTO Jim Becker at his surprise 98th birthday party last August. Jim Becker, an author and a newsman who covered ...