A New England woman was struck with mysterious symptoms after returning from a three-week vacation, and doctors discovered ...
Intestinal worms often lead to gastrointestinal symptoms, like diarrhea, because they live in your digestive tract. Other symptoms, such as a skin rash or problems breathing, also can occur, depending ...
Night sweats are more than just feeling sweaty. When you have night sweats, you may soak through your clothes and sheets. There are several causes of night sweats, ranging from menopause and ...
Court stay offers relief to Indians but concern about long term fight, other immigration battles. A group of 18 states have filed a challenge in Massachusetts, while the Seattle order was in ...
引起的猪囊尾蚴病(Cysticercosis) ,而这种疾病是因为男子食用未煮熟或生猪肉所致。 据《每日星报》报导,医疗专业人士加利(Sam Ghali)最近在X上传 ...
(图/翻摄自X) 国外一名男子因臀部疼痛前往医院检查,不料X光片竟显示,他的骨盆周围布满了数以百计的虫卵,被断定患上由猪肉绦虫(Taenia solium)引起的猪囊尾蚴病(Cysticercosis) ,而这种疾病是因为男子食用未煮熟或生猪肉所致。 据《每日星报 ...
Stomach-churning X-ray pictures show a man left bursting with tapeworm eggs after he made a grave kitchen mistake that allowed the parasites to take root. Sam Ghali, an Assistant Professor in ...
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