My philosophy is we select the best candidates based on the totality of their skill sets,” said Chair Craig Roberts.
Leah Dinklacker is currently an assistant chief for the Hamilton County Prosecutor Office's juvenile division.
Boulder County’s District Court Chief Judge Ingrid Bakke will soon retire, creating a vacancy for her seat. A nominating ...
District Attorney Stephanie Vettenburg-Shaffer announced Tuesday that she will not run in the upcoming election to fill the ...
Republican Blaine Watkins beat Democrat Nannette Griffin in Tuesday's special election to fill a vacant seat in House ...
The city council has a special called meeting scheduled for Friday at 4 p.m. The meeting agenda includes accepting a council member's resignation and calling a special election to fill a vacancy for ...
Erick Allen is the Democratic nominee for the District 2 seat on the Cobb County Board of Commissioners after winning Tuesday ...
Ravalli County officials Monday named the replacement for a Hamilton representative who abruptly resigned from the ...
Republican Blaine Watkins won Tuesday’s special election in House District 100 in Lee County. Results from the Secretary of ...
Many Porter County residents drive past the courthouse multiple times a day but may not realize the rich history that sits on ...
A Republican has won a special election in southeast Iowa for a seat in the Iowa House. State Representative Martin Graber of ...
An Allegany County Supreme Court ruling has affirmed that former legislator Adam Cyr vacated his seat by moving from the ...