My philosophy is we select the best candidates based on the totality of their skill sets,” said Chair Craig Roberts.
Allen, a consultant, captured about 56.7% of the vote to defeat dentist Jaha V. Howard, according to unofficial election results.
Boulder County’s District Court Chief Judge Ingrid Bakke will soon retire, creating a vacancy for her seat. A nominating ...
Leah Dinklacker is currently an assistant chief for the Hamilton County Prosecutor Office's juvenile division.
A Republican has won a special election in southeast Iowa for a seat in the Iowa House. State Representative Martin Graber of ...
Ravalli County officials Monday named the replacement for a Hamilton representative who abruptly resigned from the ...
District Attorney Stephanie Vettenburg-Shaffer announced Tuesday that she will not run in the upcoming election to fill the ...
In this special election, Allen won by just under 500 votes, solidifying his position as the Democratic nominee.