A reflex is an automatic body movement that happens involuntarily in response to a stimulus. Healthcare providers sometimes test a person's reflexes as part of a routine or diagnostic exam. Overactive ...
Clonus is an overactive reflex that can occur on its own or be caused by another condition, such as an upper neuron disorder or meningitis. Healthcare providers test for clonus by stimulating an ...
A 65-year-old man presented to the ED with 1 day of acute onset mid-thoracic and low back pain, difficulty ambulating and ...
They had read about clonus—an abnormal reflex response—but had never witnessed it. Then they met Riley Barker, a 28-year-old with cerebral palsy. He told them about his condition and how his ...
A highly focal 2 mm region of chemosensitivity was identified. The resulting seizures consisted of automatisms and myoclonus of the mouth and face, contralateral arm clonus, salivation, behavioral ...
In legs, test rapidity and range of foot tapping (slowed in Parkinson's disease and spasticity) and for clonus (brisk passive extensions of ankle). A sensitive test for spasticity is the Trömner ...
In contrast, hyperreflexia (overactive reflexes) involves upper motor neurons that make up the central nervous system comprised of the brain and spinal cord. The main sign of hyporeflexia is a lack of ...
For example, a patient who is taking several antidepressants and presents with pyrexia and clonus (clinical problem) can also be described as a patient with serotonin syndrome (syndromic diagnosis).
Spasticity is characterized by increased tone, hyperreflexia, clonus, and resistance to stretching (Kandel et al.; Roscigno, 2002). Furthermore, spasticity can contribute to contractures and ...