This causes irreparable damage. The test won’t be done if a brain mass is suspected. Cisternal and ventricular puncture methods carry additional risks. These risks include: CSF analysis may be ...
In the United States alone, the annual socioeconomic costs of disorders such as stroke, depression, schizophrenia and Alzheimer's disease (AD) are currently estimated at over US$250 billion 1,2 ...
2022). However, the osmotic gradient is not required for CSF secretion (Khamesi et al., 2023). Classic understanding points to convective and diffusive forces propelling CSF absorption through the ...
In this valuable paper, the authors created a reporter mouse line in which the Axon Initial Segment (AIS) is intrinsically labeled by an ankyrin-G-GFP fusion protein activated by Cre recombinase, ...
Objective: Identification and validation of blood-based biomarkers for the diagnosis and prognosis of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) is of critical importance. There have been calls for more ...
Differential diagnosis of pain in the face as the presenting complaint can be difficult. We propose an approach based on history and neurological examination, which allows a working diagnosis to be ...
The trigeminal nerve, in addition to the intrapontine tract, the pontine root entry zone, the cisternal segment, and the trigeminal nuclei, are characteristic sites of MS lesions. Trigeminal lesions ...