MoA Aggressive Allocation Fund earns a High Process Pillar rating. The most important driver of the rating is its parent firm's superior long-term risk-adjusted performance, as shown by the firm's ...
Mission Statement: Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (eCAM) is an international, peer-reviewed journal that seeks to understand the sources and to encourage rigorous research ...
The authors have no relevant affiliations or financial involvement with any organization or entity with a financial interest in or financial conflict with the subject matter or materials discussed ...
Structural and cellular assays and molecular dynamics simulations reveal the mechanism of action of γ-glutamyl carboxylase, which involves cholesterol and vitamin K. Protein kinase R-like ...
Sewage monitoring – a new, resource-efficient method for population-based surveillance of antibiotic resistance The project is funded by the Wellcome Trust (10.2 MSEK) for the period 2022-2025. The ...