If you want to produce your own fruit but don't have enough space outside, consider a small tree that can happily grow ...
But sometimes, a brand-new winner rises to the top, shocking us all and challenging what we thought we knew. We weren't sure what to expect from our orange juice taste test. Many editors and staff ...
Last week, while I was going to town, a neighbor and friend from church asked me what I knew was an orange-like small tree that begins with C. He knew that I understood plants. I said, “Calamondin.” I ...
The calamondin – a cross between a kumquat and a mandarin – is also cold hardy, and when mature, is adorned with hundreds of fruit at all times. Any of these citrus types can be used as an ...
Imagine having sunny orange, bright yellow and luscious green fruit growing in your home, especially during this gray, cold time of year. While we do not associate citrus plants with our Northeast ...