In a large swath of Eurasia, one popular overlapping food fare is the burek. At its most simplified, burek is a pastry crafted from thin phyllo and stuffed with varying ingredients. Often enjoyed ...
I have been a technology journalist for almost 30 years and have covered just about every kind of computer gear—from the 386SX to 64-core processors—in my long tenure as an editor, a writer ...
Applying engineering and decision-making models to find solutions to climate change and environmental problems, energy and process modeling, multi-objective optimization, sustainability, system ...
Owen Burek is founder of the student money website and more recently the graduate advice site As well as publishing 'The Essential Student Guide to ...
[Andrzej Burek] decided to make his dreams come true by building his own supercar with a human-powered twist. [YouTube] At first glance, [Burek]’s SLS AMG looks like the real thing. Pop the hood ...
A Connecticut man, who police say is affiliated with customer impersonation crimes in multiple states, was charged after visiting a Jackson Township bank late last year. Jackson Township police ...