Huajiang Grand Canyon Bridge in Guizhou province reached a major milestone as the final steel truss segment, weighing 215 metric tons, was hoisted into place on Friday. This marks the closure of the ...
欧盟委员会发布《2024年欧盟工业研发投资记分牌》 (The 2024 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard),本项调查面向全球2023会计年度研发投资额最多的2000家企业开展,共有579家中国公司 (包括55家台湾公司)。其中,华为排名第一,2023财年研发投入为199.39亿欧元。
This is Xiangtan, an open and inclusive city and the hometown of the great leader Mao Zedong. This is Xiangtan Comprehensive Bonded Zone, serving as a bridge connecting Xiangtan to the world.