Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
The NBS on Monday released data of China's economy in the first two months of 2025, which showed industrial output, fixed asset investment and retail sales all growing at a faster pace than a year ...
Meng Lei, China equity strategist at UBS Securities, said investor confidence in the capital market is also recovering, ...
#记者团上两会#【人口高质量发展,中国用行动应对挑战】中国人越来越长寿,2024年人均预期寿命达79岁,提前完成“十四五”计划。政府不仅兜底保障,还推动科技赋能,医养结合让老人幸福满满。同时,2.5亿人接受高等教育,研发人员全球第一,“人口红利”依旧在。两会民生发布会上,部长们为养老和就业“支招”。你怎么看?(Via:记者黄菲@SandyHuang_Journalist) #2025全国两会# C ...
China is pushing to better align agricultural science and technology with industry needs to enhance productivity and ...
BEIJING, March 9 (Xinhua) -- Chinese national lawmakers submitted 269 proposals to the country's annual legislative session as of Saturday noon, the deadline for proposal submission at the ongoing ...
BEIJING, March 8 (Xinhua) -- China's large-scale equipment upgrades and consumer goods trade-ins, launched a year ago, have steadily progressed and yielded remarkable outcomes, showcasing the ...
周五 - Veeco Instruments Inc. (NASDAQ: VECO)目前交易价格为1.88美元,Benchmark分析师继续维持买入评级,目标价保持在5.00美元。在公司发布符合分析师预期的2024年下半年业绩后,该评级得到确认。Veeco的收入达到50万美元,与预期一致,公司在市场扩张和客户需求增长方面持续取得进展。根据 InvestingPro ...
#China-Laos 500kV Interconnection Project kicks off in Laos, boosting sustainable energy development for both countries.