Kalamazoo police arrested a man who allegedly set fire to a homeless man's belongings outside of Kalamazoo Public Library.
Some of those new blankets are ending up on online reseller site eBay — with eye-popping markups.
Multiple fire departments are receiving fire blankets to better combat electric vehicle fires. Officials said the blankets ...
To bring you the best throw blankets in every style and price point, I tested a few myself and polled the Strategist team as well as experts with exceptional taste about their favorites.
The 75-pound silica blankets can endure up to 2900 degrees Fahrenheit, according to FireIsolator, the blanket’s manufacturer.
Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety arrested a 43-year-old man suspected of setting fire to the blankets an unhoused person ...
Some students at R.W. Clark Elementary in Uniontown made a special delivery Thursday, dropping off knot blankets to a ...
Point blankets were used by European settlers and explorers to barter for furs with Indigenous peoples in today’s Canada as ...
“Oh, gosh.” “Because the church is just right there.” “No — church is right behind us. Sorry, it’s east of the church. It’s — it’s east of the church. It is. You’re — and they close 51 because there’s ...
GLASGOW, Ky. (WBKO) - For Jamie Fancher, helping those in need isn’t just an act of charity—it’s a calling. From providing blankets and food to the homeless to ensuring struggling families have the ...