We’ve updated this story to clarify how messages are stored in backups. If you don’t want your text messages read by prying eyes, you should consider locking your phone with a passcode or ...
Is a Bible required to take office in the U.S.? Whether Trump did or did not get his left hand on top of the Bibles actually doesn't matter as the U.S. Constitution says “no religious Text shall ...
Despite the inauguration pomp and a bracing speech, the top thing Americans searched for on Google in relation to Trump on Monday afternoon was about him not placing his hand on the Bible ...
I texted back that my wife thought we were available. A few minutes later a text came asking if I was Mrs. Amy. I texted that I wasn’t Mrs. Amy and had never been but it was a problem. A return text ...
Microsoft has recently introduced a new collection of desktop wallpapers to its website, offering a wide variety of wallpapers for download. The latest collection, ‘Fluid Textures,’ was designed by 3D ...