泰国副总理暨国防部长普坦·威差亚猜 (Phumtham Wechayachai)说,这星期将有600名自缅甸电诈园区获救的中国人返乡。他表示,中国、泰国、缅甸三国联手合作是营救行动的关键,三国官员也将在下星期就此议题举行会谈。
Chinese procurators approved the arrest of suspects in over 43,000 cases of crimes against minors in 2024 and prosecuted more ...
In the summer of 1940, amid fevered talk of spies, Winston Churchill decides to arrest UK citizens originating from Germany, Austria and Italy. Many are perfectly innocent men and some are even Jewish ...
With the discovery of Matteotti's body and the arrest of his assassins, Mussolini finds himself in a corner: he must try to save himself and fascism.