1.The on hit effect of the RW-BS Plasma Laser was changed to 20% chance of dealing 100~200 fragmentation damage when hitting a target.
When Japanese high school student Yuzuka Sasaki got to spend two weeks last year at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics, commonly known as Cern, in Switzerland, it was a dream come true.
The antimatter counterpart to the simplest atom, hydrogen, is a neutral antihydrogen atom, which consists of a positively charged positron orbiting a negatively charged antiproton. In 1995, physicists ...
For these reasons, attempts have been made both experimentally to measure the intensity of antiprotons in cosmic radiation and theoretically to estimate what antiproton densities might be expected ...
Not all accelerators increase a particle's speed. The AD slows down antiprotons so they can be used to study antimatter The Antiproton Decelerator (AD) is a unique machine that produces low-energy ...