Faith in God is the key to trusting Him in every circumstance. Walking by faith means when there are unanswered questions, we can be OK.
Regional management changes happening at Zoetis, as business expands | Respected geneticist joins Angus Australia in new COO ...
在医学领域,肿瘤的治疗一直是一个充满挑战的课题,尤其是肿瘤休眠(tumor dormancy)现象,它就像一颗隐藏在黑暗中的 “定时炸弹”,给癌症患者带来了极大的威胁。肿瘤休眠是指在临床肿瘤缓解和复发之间的一段时期,此时癌细胞仍然存在,但肿瘤体积低于临床检测阈值。在这种状态下,肿瘤细胞就像进入了 “隐身模式”,常规的治疗手段难以对其发挥作用,一旦时机成熟,它们便会 “卷土重来”,导致肿瘤复发和转移 ...
THERE is no evidence of significant market power in either input or output markets for beef or lamb in Australia, an ...
Ahn Duk-geun, South Korea’s Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE), will visit the United States on Feb. 26 to hold ...
There is no evidence of significant market power in either input or output markets for beef or lamb in Australia, an ...
在研究结论和讨论部分,研究人员指出,铋剂四联疗法显著影响了肠道细菌群落的微生物组、抗生素耐药组和可移动基因组。虽然此前有研究表明幽门螺杆菌根除会降低肠道菌群多样性、促进相关 AMR 基因的扩展,但本研究进一步确定了最普遍的 AMR ...