In the haftarah, too, Shaul faces a situation that requires the full participation of the entire nation, a milchemet mitzvah, ...
Will the world recognize Hamas for what it is or will it repeat the mistakes of the past, allowing Amalek’s spirit to endure?
Condolences come from diplomats after Hamas hands over caskets said to be holding bodies of 4 captives; minister: 'Society ...
This brief portion provides some very important insights into Amalek. As Rav Shamshon Refael Hirsch, zts"l, explains, the Torah here also sheds light on the very mission of the Jewish People ...
To address reality, we must recognize it. And getting this wrong puts our lives in danger. I have had enough hostage-taking ...
I’m beginning to come to terms with the fact that I am feeling hate — an unsettling, unfamiliar emotion for me.
Can Palestinians get a little Humanitarian Intervention? Of all the ideological mystifications created by the white West to ...
The post Right-wing lawmakers compare Hamas to animals, Nazis after return of four caskets apparently containing hostages’ remains appeared first on The Times of Israel.
20 Then Balaam saw Amalek and spoke his message: "Amalek was first among the nations, but their end will be utter destruction." ...