FE 400-800mm F6.3-8 G OSS索尼首款800mm超远摄镜头 超远摄变焦新视界 800mm带来了更进一步的新视野,清晰还原远处主体细节,且在搭配2倍增距镜后,最远焦距可扩展至1600mm。配合Alpha 7R V(约6100万有效像素)或Alpha 1 Ⅱ(约5010万有效像素)拍摄,远处被摄对象细节纤毫 ...
2020年09月15日,索尼(中国)有限公司正式发布了多款新品,包括轻便小巧的全画幅微单Alpha7C(型号名:ILCE-7C),以及同样小巧便携的变焦镜头FE 28-60mm F4-5.6(型号名:SEL2860)和闪光灯HVL-F28RM(型号名:HVL-F28RM)。Alpha7C是一款时尚小巧,轻量便携的全画幅相机,同时具备先进的自动对焦和4K *2 视频拍摄等专业性能。与新开发的紧凑型F ...
Sony India has significantly increased its Alpha lens lineup with the release of the FE 400-800mm F6.3-8 G OSS (SEL400800G) lens. This marks a significant miles ...
The FE 400-800mm F6.3-8 G OSS is the Alpha lens to cover a 400 mm to 800 mm super telephoto range and can even be extended to ...
The top 10% of funds will be awarded five FE Crowns, the next 15% receiving four Crowns and each of the remaining three quartiles will be given three, two and one Crown(s) respectively. Rebalanced ...
Go long with the Alpha lens of 800 mm super telephoto zoom. 2. Beautiful rendering and natural bokeh throughout the zoom range. 3. Fast, precise AF captures even the quickest s ...