Welcome to the HTML & CSS Mini Projects Website! 🎨 This website showcases various mini projects I created to enhance my front-end development skills. Each project is displayed with an image preview, ...
Mental health professionals no longer diagnose ADD. Instead, they diagnose one of three types of ADHD: inattentive, hyperactive-impulsive, or combined. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ...
A collection of React coding challenges to improve your React and JavaScript skills. Includes exercises on UI design, state management, React Hooks, and API integration.
While traditional safe havens such as gold bullion arguably offer the best protection against inflation, energy giants such as Exxon Mobil (NYSE:XOM) could also act as a powerful hedge against ...
Apple is rumoured to launch the iPhone SE 4 ‘this week’ for the masses who do not have the means to spend ₹80k on a regular series iPhone. The special edition (SE) phones have also been ...