SES will provide Series B funding for Lynk Global’s growing satellite constellation and offer integrated services to enhance ...
At least 915 students of Emmanuel Alayande University of Education, Oyo Town have received the Nigerian Education Loan Fund (NELFUND) facility. The institution’s Media and Public Relations ...
Badge Edition is a variant of SoftRF DIY GA proximity awareness device been implemented in a small, lightweight board form factor. The Badge is a synergy of two leading edge technologies in one ...
In addition, another algorithm is presented to automate the detection of the mixing layer height (MLH), a proxy for CBLH from Raman Lidar and a 915 MHz wind profiler. A comparison of CBLH estimates vs ...
That’s where 433 MHz sensors for weather stations come into the picture. The idea is simple: virtually all of those sensors – many of them rated for outdoor use – use the unlicensed 433 MHz ...
The increasing burden of heart failure globally can be partly attributed to the increased prevalence of diabetes, and the subsequent development of a distinct form of heart failure known as diabetic ...
[BeMasher] was dissatisfied with the cost of other solutions to read his smart meter, so he made a project to read it himself using an rtl-sdr dongle. Using his hacking and reverse engineering ...