飞友消息,汉莎集团旗下最大的廉价航空公司也就是“欧洲之翼(Eurowings)”将接收一大批737 MAX 8,总数高达40架。这是自2016年以来,汉莎集团的嫡系分支首次重新引进波音737客机。波音737 MAX ...
If you took a short-haul flight anywhere in the world today, there is a good chance that you traveled in either a Boeing 737 or an Airbus A320. These two planes are the most widely used passenger ...
2025年1月,波音公司交付了45架商业飞机,这一数字不仅创下了自2023年12月以来的交付新高,还标志着波音在经历一段波动期后的成功复苏。其中,37架737 MAX飞机的交付显示出这一款型在市场中的需求持续上升。这一消息透过财经媒体迅速传播,引起了航空业界的广泛关注,显示出波音公司正在努力重塑其在全球航空市场中的地位。 737 ...
Through strategic ordering, financing methods, and production delay management, Allegiant achieved the same result that took ...
The Airbus A320 is one of the most popular airliners in the world. It's also Europe's answer to Boeing's stalwart 737, still the best selling airliner of all time. However, the A320 is quickly ...