福山指出,特朗普通过行政令变相恢复了他在第一任期就发布的“F计划”,通过削弱公务员职位保护,总统有权随意解雇高级官员及独立机构负责人 ...
Ford CEO Jim Farley warned it will 'blow a hole' in the U.S. car industry.
Ford Motor Company develops, delivers, and services Ford trucks, sport utility vehicles, commercial vans and cars, and Lincoln luxury vehicles worldwide. It operates through Ford Blue, Ford Model ...
时事评论作家长平认为,即便站在特朗普的帝国主义立场,暂停乌克兰军援也是向普京出卖了美国的国家利益。古往今来真正的国王并不会这样肆无忌惮。 (德国之声中文网)美国总统特朗普再次“创造了历史”,可惜是再次“秀下限”——根据他的命令,美国已于周一(3月3日) 暂时停止了对乌克兰的所有军事援助 。这项命令出卖了美国的国家利益,带来全球民主和人道危机,特朗普应该遭到弹劾,可惜美国分权监督机制已经瘫痪。
George Will writes a twice-weekly column on politics and domestic and foreign affairs. He began his column with The Post in 1974, and he received the Pulitzer Prize for commentary in 1977.
After hours: February 28 at 6:03:08 PM EST Loading Chart for FG ...