#乘风破浪正当时#【国之重器再上新:实探全球最快高铁CR450】中国最新发布的CR450动车组列车将刷新我们对高铁出行的认知。作为目前全球行驶速度最快的高铁列车,CR450的运行时速高达400公里,在提升速度的同时,车厢的噪音却降低了2分贝,商务舱座椅还能旋转300度。设计人员们跳出舒适圈,用新型减阻设计、轻量化新技术和新材料,让整车运行阻力降低了22%,减重达10%。CR450动车组的发布,是我 ...
2025年2月18日,人工智能领域又一巨头DeepSeek发布了其最新的降本技术——NSA(Newly Structured Acceleration)机制,标志着AI推理成本的显著降低。DeepSeek官方称,NSA的推出旨在优化现代硬件设计,加速推理过程,同时保持性能不变。此机制在多个基准测试中表现尤为突出,无论是在长上下文任务还是基于指令的推理上,其表现均达到甚至超过了全注意力模型的水平。
普华永道印度主席Sanjeev Krishan表示:“在过去四年中,我们在对我们增长具有战略意义的领域进行了投资,并与更大的‘印度雄心’故事保持一致。我们设定了达到10亿美元收入的目标,并在时间表之前实现了这一目标。
His efforts also included backing the shutdown of a controversial oil drilling project in Ecuador's Yasuni National Park, which led scientists to name a newly discovered frog species after him.
The Police Service Commission (PSC) has appointed Moshood Jimoh as the new Commissioner of Police for Lagos State, signaling a leadership change in one of Nigeria’s most critical policing ...
很难想象「香菇」与「霉菌」都属真菌界,而且它们竟然有操作动物的能力,常被俗称为「殭尸真菌」。欧洲科学家最近又发现了新的殭尸真菌,而苦主是洞穴蜘蛛。这种真菌会将蜘蛛从网中引诱出来,导致它们过早死亡,在发展成熟后,再然后利用蜘蛛尸体传播孢子,持续对外感染 ...
Joshua Theriault-Patten died as a result of a collision on Route 17. WASHINGTON — A Newcastle man was killed Sunday in an apparent head-on collision on Route 17, which is also the Augusta Road ...
Rahim Al-Hussaini has been named the new Aga Khan, leading the Ismaili Muslim community after his father's passing. Educated in the United States, he has actively participated in the Aga Khan ...
The Vancouver Canucks and newly acquired defenseman Marcus Pettersson reached agreement on a six-year contract extension worth $33 million, the team announced Wednesday night. The deal comes just ...
WASHINGTON — Newly inaugurated Attorney General Pam Bondi ordered the defunding of jurisdictions that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration authorities Wednesday — potentially cutting ...