OpenAI’s big rebranding effort brings a new logo and a new typeface, OpenAI sans. OpenAI’s big rebranding effort brings a new logo and a new typeface, OpenAI sans. Emma Roth is a news writer ...
video footage shows individuals putting the "don't buy a swasticar," sticker above the Tesla logo on vehicles around London. A recent survey by The Times and YouGov found that in the U.K ...
1月25日,2025年湖北省卫生健康工作会议在武汉召开。会议系统梳理回顾了2024年湖北省实施的一系列惠民利民举措,健康湖北建设聚势提升,安排部署2025年全省卫生健康重点工作。 紧密型县域医共体建设全面推开,86%的县建成三级医院,城市12分钟急救圈 ...