O blockbuster chinês de animação Ne Zha 2 fez sua aguardada estreia na Europa na sexta-feira, com o público do Reino Unido e ...
JAKARTA, March 15 (Xinhua) -- Chinese animated blockbuster "Ne Zha 2," the highest-grossing animated film of all time, premiered here on Saturday, with a packed theater of eager moviegoers.
A animação chinesa "Ne Zha 2" superou "Star Wars: O Despertar da Força" e garantiu seu lugar como o filme com quinta maior bilheteria de todos os tempos em todo o mundo.
Chinese animated powerhouse "Ne Zha 2" has surpassed Disney's "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" to secure its spot as the fifth ...
中国动画电影《哪吒之魔童闹海》(简称《哪吒2》)在印度尼西亚雅加达舉辦首映禮,現場熱鬧非凡。記者在首映現場看到,觀眾席座無虛席,片播放期間,觀眾席多次爆發笑聲、掌聲和驚嘆聲,甚至有年輕觀眾在觀影後走到《哪吒2》海報前錄製視頻,熱情推薦這部電影。 Indonesian audience Sarah shared her experience, saying it was her first time ...
截至3月14日晚间7时多,根据猫眼专业版“全球影史票房榜”不断更新的数据显示,《哪吒2》累计票房(中国与海外)超过149.94亿人民币(约27.64亿新元),已超越漫威英雄片《复仇者联盟:无限战争》(Avengers: Infinity ...
深圳市公安局龙(lóng)华分局反诈(zhà)中心民警 黎明:诈骗(piàn)分子粤门马会传真不见面不现身,就能成功(gōng)获取现金(jīn)和黄金,以(yǐ)此进(jìn)行(xíng)资(zī)金转移(yí)。此类手法相较于(yú)线上转(zhuǎn)账而言,更加具有隐蔽性和迷(mí)惑性,如遇要求使用快递、网(wǎng)约车进行(xíng)现金和黄金寄送的,立即(jí)拒绝,并向警方举报 ...
以巴黎(lí)篮球俱乐(lè)部为例,这家成立于2018年的(de)篮球俱乐部,是法国首都(dōu)多年以来战绩最好(hǎo)的球队,总(zǒng)经理大卫·卡恩更是曾(céng)经担任(rèn)过森林狼的总经理。但本赛季球队(duì)总预算仅为1900万欧元(yuán),相当正版澳门四不像图于(yú)步(bù)行者队(duì)迈尔斯·特纳的年(nián)薪。即便是法甲联赛最(zuì)“土豪”的摩 ...
Lou Wenlong, a former vice president of the Agricultural Bank of China, has been indicted on charges of taking bribes, ...