Donald Trump was sworn in as the 47th president of the United States in the Rotunda of the US Capitol at noon on Monday, ...
美国总统唐纳德·特朗普星期五(2月7日)在华盛顿首次会晤日本首相石破茂。两位领导人在联合声明中强调了美日安全合作,承诺加强防卫支持和军事合作,推动半导体与人工智能发展,强化供应链安全,支持出口管制,推动公平贸易。他们还重申继续合作,以实现自由开放的印 ...
The Australian government will continue to make its case for a tariff exemption to the United States, despite a top US official saying Australia's aluminium imports are killing the US market. Source: ...