3月14日,芬兰旋律厄运金属与死亡金属交融的乐队HANGING GARDEN(空中花园)正式发布了他们的新EP《不竭》(The Unending),其中包含四首新歌。这张EP的发布引发了金属音乐爱好者们的广泛关注,并成为潮流话题。
A glimpse into the challenges faced by the Congolese people, their resilience, and the exploitation of their resources.
Ala Catholic Diocese in Benue State, Isaac Dugu, has cried out over the ceaseless killings and displacement of people in the ...
Pierce Brosnan prompts unified agreement from James Bond fans following his rationale and optimistic take on the successor.
Revelation 19:1 arranged by Phil Nitz and Christopher Phil. Curtains came down on the concert ministry on Saturday, February 15, but the love shared through music and worship was truly unending.